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A collaborative impact platform to aggregate knowledge, accelerate innovation and enable the global resources industry of the future.

Whole industry collaboration

CollaborateOre is an industry-wide collaboration to unlock innovation and advance responsible practices in the mining industry, with the inclusion of the public and community sectors. We will enable organisations to share resources and overcome the currently dispersed and fragmented research, development, innovation and implementation challenges that are beyond any single organisation's scope.

The Platform

This Collaborative Impact Platform is a partnership between Amira Global and other industry parters. The prototype will be searchable by our members and stakeholders across the public, research, mining technology and community sectors. It is a platform for those interested in best practices and innovation in the global resources sector. It will deliver reliable information to help the industry make sense in a world where complex forces are driving transformational change across the mining value chain. Information is shared under the FAIR principles of scientific data management to accelerate and amplify the impact of research and development. Knowledge is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.

Connected Knowledge

The central repository will aggregate knowledge and provide insights into technology and emerging research on key industry challenges. Initially it will host the CRC Ore Grade Engineering Practitioners Guide e-book and Wiki, the Amira Global Data Metallogenica (a database of over 3000 mineral deposits artefacts) and other Amira Global research knowledge. With this platform the future of mining moves a step closer.

CollaborateOre is a platform we are roadmapping together.
We invite contributions and expertise from the wider community.

Strategic Partners

We also acknowledge the generous support from CRC Ore, and the NSW Government – Critical Minerals and High-Tech Metals Activation Fund (Round 1). Hatch Limited are acknowledged for their support of providing Grade Engineering content on the platform.